Friday, February 18, 2011

Things I never knew...

Funny how after almost 11 years together I am still learning new things about the man I am married to.

He just recently told me he worries terribly when I travel without him...something I do often. I wonder why he never told me that before? Maybe he thought I knew, or maybe he thought my fierce independence would say "Oh stop being silly, I can take care of myself!" or maybe telling me made him feel vulnerable...I don't know. But I must say it made me feel good to know how much he worries. Also made me realize how important it is to let him know when I arrive safely. I usually always do that, but every now and then I forget.

I also learned when he makes a sandwich the cheese has to go with the mustard! lol whats the big deal there? Well really nothing, except that my husband is the most normal person I know and I didn't think he had any weird quirks like that lol I have a million of maybe he is not as normal I as I thought lol

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