Saturday, March 5, 2011!

Well I have a few minutes so thought I'd just do a quick life update :)

It's March now which means spring is just around the corner! At least I hope it is, we have had some weird weather recently including snow. Anyhow I am hoping to get some seeds started for my garden this weekend. Hoping for some dry weather soon too so I can actually go work in my garden and get it ready for planting.

Around here spring also means my birthday and anniversary, looking forward to those days. But this year spring will also bring some hard times in my life. Josh's birthday is this month, and that is going to be a very difficult day for us. I am trying to think of something special I can do for Blake and Josh's mom on that day. My dad's birthday is coming up too and so is the one year anniversary of his death. Both will be very difficult days. I am planning to be with my sister on the anniversary of his death, we are going to go to the Hospice House where he spent his last days and spend some time in the beautiful garden there.

Ok, enough doom and gloom on to the busy things in my life! Andy and Kyle are both playing on an adult league soccer team right now, their season started last weekend. Kyle is also playing Varsity soccer for high school and Blake is playing Junior Varsity soccer. Their first games are on March 14th! Can't wait :) :) Blake will also be starting baseball soon, looking forward to that too. I am still working my reduced hours...well actually I am working more lol but supposed to be working 27.5 hrs per week. My online classes started on Feb 28th, so am just finishing up my first week. I just got my first assignment feedback and received 100%! I am very pleased about that. I submitted my first assignment for my second class this morning and am hoping for a good grade on it as well.

Well think that's about it for the moment! Enjoy spring everyone :)

Oh! Almost forgot, yesterday I got my hair cut off!! I am donating it to Locks of Love, my new hair is soooo short but its cute and I like it.

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