Friday, January 14, 2011

Just because it's Friday and I have nothing else I need to do

110. My last name: You know!

109. I was born in: Clearwater

108. I am really: glad I have the day off

107. My phone is:  awesome!

106. My eye color is: blue/green

105. My ring size is: I dunno

104. My height is: short

103. I am allergic to: dust, animal dander, pollen...who knows what else

102. I was born on:  the first day of spring

101. I am annoyed by: some people

100: What happened to question 189? huh?

99. My bed is: kingsized and cozy

98: One thing you don’t like about yourself: shyness

97. Do you sleep on your BACK, STOMACH, SIDE? : side

96. How do you vent anger?: depends on what I am angry about

95. How did your day start off? letting my dog out at 4:30am

94. Do you get along with guys or girls better? I get along with almost anyone

93. How do you think you look right this moment? lol uhh...probably like crap, wearing an apron, hair in a pony tail lol

92. Last person you went to the movies with? Umm...maybe Angie? Its been sooo long I don't recall

91. My favorite Holiday is: Halloween

90. The last CD I bought was: I think Eminem

89. Do you have any siblings? 2 brothers, 2 sisters

88. What did you do yesterday? Worked

87. When in doubt?: trust your instincts

:::I Do /Do Not Believe In::::

86. Love at first sight? I believe

85. Luck? Kinda

84. Fate? Sorta

83. Aliens?: sure

82. Heaven?: don't know

81. Hell?: see above

80. Ghosts? I do

79. Horoscopes?: Somewhat

78. Soulmates?: hmm...I THINK i DO oops...caps lock lol

77. Karma?  Yes

:::Which is Better?:::

76. Drunk or High? Nope, not picking one because neither work for me.

75. On the phone or online : online or text messaging!

74. Red heads or blondes? don't care

73. Blondes or Brunettes? don't care

72. Hot or cold?: cold

71. Summer or Winter: Both

70. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla

69. Night or Day?: both

68. Oranges or Apples?: both

67. Curly or Straight hair: wavy

::Here’s What I Think About:::

66. Abortion: not for me

65. Backstabbers: dumb

64. Parents: do their best

:::Last time I:::

63. hugged someone: this morning

62. Saw someone: a few hours ago

61: Cried in front of someone: last night


60. Who is the ditziest person you know:  have no idea

59. Who makes you laugh: my kids

58. Last show you watched: I shouldn't be alive

57. What you don’t understand is:  a whole lot of stuff

56. The most unsatisfying answer? i dont know

55. Something I really miss when I leave home is: my home

54. The thing I’m looking forward to the most is: the rest of my life

53. Tomorrow: Going to mark the start of a new path in my life :)

52. Today: is good

51. Next Summer: Camping, gardening, Powell River

50. This Weekend: will be 4 days!

49. The person(s) who knows the most about me is: hmm...tough question, I keep a lot of things to myself.

48. The most difficult thing to do is: say goodbye

47. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket: false

46. The first person I talked to today was: Marc

45. First time you had a crush: Umm...I was like 9 or 10 I think

44. The one person who I can’t hide things from: No one

43. Last time someone said something you were thinking: happens a lot

42. Right now I am talking to: no one

41. What is your dream job?: To have my own organic farm

40. First job: baby sitting. 

39. I have had these pets: everything...grew up on a farm.

38. I can still see: My dad's face

37. The worst sound in the world is: death

36. The person who makes me cry the most: No person in my life really makes me cry anymore

35. Best sound in the world?: my kids laughing

34. Who makes you happy? lots of people

33. Cats or dogs?: both

32. Myspace or Facebook: facebook

31. Mexican food or Chinese? depends on my mood

30. My favorite piece of clothing? pajamas

29. My favorite color(s) are: purple

28. Last time I cried: last night

27. My friends: ♥

26. My computer is: new

25. Last person I got mad at: co worker

24. Person you secretly crush on?: its a secret! geez ;)

23. Favorite place to eat : my house

22. Favorite song: There is no way I can pick one

21. The all-time best show is:  No clue

20. The all-time best feeling in the world is: love

19. Favorite scent: lots of stuff

18. What color is your hairbrush: purple and black

17. Favorite shoes: slippers

16. I lose all respect for people who: have no morals

15. favorite channel to watch: food network or hgtv

14. favorite food: seafood

13. favorite day of the week: hmmm...usually Friday

12. Best Feature(s) in the opposite sex: Their heart
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: when I watched my dad take his last breath

10. Best Memory: too many to type, I am blessed with truly amazing memories

9. Favorite TV show? Law and Order SVU

8. My favorite singer/band: Lots

7. Favorite Stuffed Animal? lol well I have quite the collection...can't pick just one!

6. Greatest Fear: Losing people I love

5. My weakness is: my emotions

4. When was your last concert? a few months ago I saw Patty Loveless here in my town.

3. Who broke your heart? Well my heart has been broken a few times...

2. One thing that makes you feel great is: my amazing children

1. One person that you wish you could see right now? : My dad

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